Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Spotlight: pomelo fruit

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Hope everyone enjoyed yesterday’s post on some raw goodies by Awesome Foods!

At Whole Foods, which happens to be one of my favorite supermarkets, we picked up some great produce, including berries and Chilean cherries, but we got another fruit that I had neither tasted nor heard of ever before.

Scientifically, it’s called citrus maxima, and it’s commonly known as the pomelo. Resembling an obese grapefruit, this bittersweet citrus treat has a yellow exterior, a light salmon-colored pith and, for the variety I tried, a bright pink inside.

The fruit definitely caught my eye in the produce section, looking at first like a melon. However, the squishy texture definitely indicated, upon touching the outer layer, that it wasn’t a melon but a citrus fruit.

There are many things to be done with fresh fruit, including one method of preparation that I’ve been very interested in lately, juicing. So, considering the pomelo’s size, I figured I’d toss half in the juicer after peeling it to see what would become if it.

The juice turned out to be very sweet and tasty, using my Jack LaLaine Power Juice Elite. I’ll definitely keep the pomelo in mind when looking in the supermarket! I’m sure they can be found in supermarkets around the country, considering the United States is the number 1 producer of grapefruit (including pomelos) in the world, China second and South Africa, surprisingly, third, according to Wikipedia here.

While at the Wikipedia page featuring pomelos, I stumbled upon this link from New York Magazine, which had an interesting recipe and blurb about this peculiar citrus fruit. Here it is if you like.

So, I hope you learned a little about the pomelo and are inspired to try it out (and maybe juice some), as well as some other exotic fruits like the durian, which I wrote about a while back right here, something I still want to try.

I’ll attach the pictures of my process from whole fruit to fresh juice. Enjoy and be well,


Here are the two links about pomelos in this post if you missed them:

Pomelo – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia –link

Patricia Yeo’s Candied Pomelo Peel – New York Mag –link

Written by esperantist

January 3, 2010 at 17:21

Awesome Foods

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Hello all,

On my new iPhone! Trying out the new WordPress app and its pretty cool.

You all know that I’ve been interested in raw foods and of course veganism. Today we went to Whole Foods and among other great vegan treats and staples got some food by Awesome Foods company.

For now I don’t know how to add links but this unique and local (to me in PA) raw food retailer offers some unique and tasty choices that are vegan, gluten-free and low glycemic at their website as well as at Whole Foods Markets and other health stores nationwide. The link which I will directly add if I can is just their company name, Awesome Foods, .com.

I think I can add photos (sorry, getting so caught up in trying my very cool new iPhone) so let me know if they show up. I’ll take shots of the foods we got and see if they’re able to be viewed.

Enjoy and be well,

(sorry for the bland title – but I’m sure upon reading this post you’ll know why I chose it.)

Written by esperantist

January 2, 2010 at 23:22

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Happy new year! Things up ahead…

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Hello all,

It’s been a while — nice to see everyone! Sorry about the little hiatus there.

Anyway, the new year’s coming, the new decade, and a new VegLiving!

What a 2009 — VegLiving only began in June. Wow!

VegLiving will now be “on life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegan”! Yep — I’m going vegan! Very exciting for me. It’s my New Year’s Resolution and I’ll definitely be keeping this one.

The podcast as well will have some new stuff and I’ll be writing a ton of new stuff for the blog too.

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Written by esperantist

December 31, 2009 at 23:06

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♪ Cast 24: Converting back to eating meat?

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Is it every possible to convert from vegetarianism back to eating meat? This is the question we address in this quick podcast, giving some reasons as to why one may go about making the change back and how it can possibly be avoided with the right research and motivation.

Take a listen online (no downloads, free, easy!) or at iTunes, depending on your computer connection or if you have iTunes installed.

Check out the accompanying post here at the blog right here and see what you think.

If you’re enjoying the show, please feel free to join the community (of over 500 listeners) and subscribe! Whatever works best for you: on iTunes, by email, or in a reader (RSS).

Feel free to tweet or email me. I’d love to hear what you all think — drop a comment!

Be well,


Vegetarian organizations and clubs in schools… ideas?

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Hello all,

Hope everyone’s been doing well. I know the blog’s been slowing down post-count-wise; but I did notice 249 views in one day recently! So I guess people like what’s going on? Not sure, but I’m here with a little post tonight. Just wondering what you all think.

I’m interested in starting some kind of vegetarian club at school. There’s none currently and I think it would be kind of a fun thing; I know about 10 vegetarians in the grade and some elsewhere. I found out that my homeroom teacher is actually a vegetarian and would be interested in starting up some kind of lunch club.

Anyway, there isn’t much to this post but I was wondering if anyone has any similar local school or work clubs about vegetarianism and things. And, if so, drop a comment or an email or a tweet and I’d love to hear from you.

Photoblog and some recipes on their way! Enjoy and take a browse around the site. Here’s a random post.

Be well,


Written by esperantist

December 8, 2009 at 22:45

Cool raw foodist YouTubers

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Remember a little bit ago, I posted a preview primer post on the raw food lifestyle right here? It wasn’t much but that was when I had first started to research raw foods and things.

I’ve been watching some recipe videos & stuff and it’s pretty cool. I found these three great YouTube channels that offer some cool videos of tips, recipes and information on vegan raw foodism. If you’re kind of intimidated or opposed or just unfamiliar about the lifestyle, check it out — it’s worth looking into before making any judgments.

There’s a whole cuisine and world to raw food — it’s not just ALL spinach and cashews (although that is a large part of it ;)).

Here they are. Surely there’s more but these are three I’ve found and subscribed to at YouTube. Fun stuff:


The Raw Food World show with Matt Monarch and Angela Strokes, authors and raw foodist extraordinaires who run the raw food superstore, Fun, (I think) daily show about raw food living. Recipes, interviews, tips, stuff like that. Check them out here.


Ani Phyo’s Raw Food Kitchen (pronounced “Annie Pyoh”, not Fyo or anything) show on YouTube is one of my favorites. Tons of great recipes in an upbeat, couple-minute-long “uncooking” web show, with other resources on raw food living too. What I love are her desserts! Check Ani out here at her website or at YouTube.

Karen Knowler’s The Raw Food Coach is today’s last-but-not-least features for raw foodists on YouTube. She offers recipes and tips, like my favorite raw almond milk and “staying raw on a plane“. Check her out at YouTube or her website too.


So, I hope this list is a helpful little resource starter for anyone interested in some high quality video content on YouTube about the raw food lifestyle. Though it may seem strange or restricting, it seems like a very healthful, fresh and rewarding way to eat and I hope you’ll enjoy checking out these experts’ videos.

Enjoy and be well,


Written by esperantist

December 1, 2009 at 23:08

♪ Cast 22: Awesome Nut Butters

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Edit 11/30: Ah! I just realized that this podcast never posted! Here it is, this was supposed to be Cast 22. Sorry about going from 21 to 23 and then back to 22. Anyway, enjoy!


Peanut butter and then some! Check out these six awesome nut butter varieties in our twenty-second cast for the VegLiving Hot Minute podcast (on iTunes) that are a great addition to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, with healthy fats and other nutrients. Tasty, too! Enjoy.

Check out the two accompanying posts here at the blog: the first article mentioned is here, featuring all types of nut butters, and the specific spotlight on soy nut butter is here.

Take a listen at iTunes or online (no downloads or subscriptions or logins required — free, too!).

Feel free to subscribe by email here to get new content delivered right to your inbox at no cost. Just enter your email and go. Oh, and always, feel free to email me or send me a tweet at my Twitter.

Be well,


Written by esperantist

November 29, 2009 at 22:06

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