Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian


with 16 comments

Welcome to the “About” page!

Here readers will find more information about the blog, its ideals and the author behind it all. If you are looking for a simple overview, please see the sidebar on the homepage, or the “medium-sized” introduction at the Blog Intro. But this is the thorough one…

Have questions about subscribing? Want more information? Found any errors? Or, do you just want to know what this page, or a blog, even is? If so, please visit the Help Desk. (under construction)


1. Q. “What is VegLiving?

A. Live Well: Veg Living by Brian is a blog (shortened from “web-log“, an online location for publishing, like a periodical/newspaper/journal) that includes topics of interest such as news, notable products, thoughts and discussion, links and other resources concerning the vegetarian lifestyle.


2. Q. “Why was VegLiving created?
A. The goal in creating this blog is to help readers be exposed to new ideas about the vegetarian lifestyle and to help spread a positive example to others on maintaining a healthy mind, body and soul.
Another goal in creating VegLiving was to help teenagers like myself, who might think it difficult to find a resource about their vegetarian or vegan diet and feel somewhat alone, especially if they are the only vegetarians in the family. I wanted others to be able to enjoy reading from a friendly journal-like blog to assure them, that’s there are other people like them! 
Okay, okay. Also, just to have a fun place to share thoughts, discussion and cool stuff with others in a simple manner, without distracting pictures or layout, or floods of recipes (like is often seen…). 


3. Q. “Who created VegLiving? Who’s the author?
A. Pleased to meet you! My name is Brian Greco, I am thirteen years old, and I live in the United States. Not going to give out too much personal information about myself but I will tell you that I have been enthusiastic vegetarian for four years and am overjoyed to be able to share my thoughts and ideas for others to enjoy. If you would like to know more about me, please drop me an email.

With some rockin' PhotoShop skill...

Me with some rockin' PhotoShop skill...

Name: Brian Greco
Age: thirteen
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Vegetarian for: four years (lacto-ovo – read more), possible future vegan
Reasons for being veg: for my health, the animals and the environment. (read more)
(Favorite): color; food; animal: navy blue and olive green; salad; tie between alpaca and emu
Facebook, Myspace or Twitter?: Twitter …and YouTube
Mac or PC?: gotta love the Macs, but appreciate PCs’ functionality…hopefully future Linux user 🙂
Other interests: languages (Esperanto, Chinese, Volapük, Glosa, Turkish, Norwegian &more), stenography (Gregg Anniv.), cello, swimming, photography and Internet, plants


4. Q. “When did VegLiving start?
A. *goes to first post…* The first post for this blog was written on July 7, 2009. Ever since, I’ve been posting pretty much every day and have thoroughly enjoyed it, and I plan to continue.
Questions about vegetarianism in general? Visit the FAQs.
Questions about logistics — subscribing, errors, etc..? Visit the Help Desk.

Other questions? Drop me an email.
Be well,

Written by esperantist

August 2, 2009 at 10:20

16 Responses

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  1. Rockin blog, Brian. Thanxs for visiting mine earlier, feel free to drop by anytime.

    P.S. I like your int’l veg cuisine article. Good stuff!



    • Hi Missy!

      Thanks for the comment.
      Glad you like it!

      Fondly, Brian


      August 4, 2009 at 21:13

  2. Hi Brian,

    LOVE your blog. I am bookmarking it under my favorites… I will check it often.


    Tara Kenny

    August 14, 2009 at 12:44

    • Hi Tara!

      So happy you found my blog and like it.

      If you have any suggestions or ideas for posts, feel free to share anytime.
      Spread the word if you know any other vegetarians, too! 😀

      Talk soon,


      August 14, 2009 at 15:49

      • Hi Bri,

        I just posted your link on my FB page and delivered it to the inboxes of my veg friends… so consider the word spread in my little world.

        Take Care,

        Tara Kenny

        August 14, 2009 at 21:52

  3. […] About -~- Contact -~-  […]

  4. Hi Tara,

    Thank you so much! Got some hits that said they were from Facebook. Hope they like it!



    August 15, 2009 at 07:25

  5. […] Brian (Esperantist by username), your friendly author here at […]


    You are smarter than moost. Time to go vegan now … no excuses


    October 16, 2009 at 18:47

  7. YO DAWG
    i like the new theme on the site
    u r kewl


    November 8, 2009 at 18:23

  8. could you give the links to your twitter and youtube?


    December 14, 2009 at 19:30

    • I agree, that would be cool to see more stuff by you!


      December 17, 2009 at 18:18

    • Hi! Sorry this like a couple years later, lol. I haven’t updated this site in a while but feel free to check out my new site Brian on health ( and my raw vegan recipe book The Fruit and Vegetable Cuisine ( Thanks <3!


      June 16, 2011 at 15:14

  9. What is your youtube name?


    December 14, 2009 at 19:31

    • Hi! Sorry this like a couple years later, lol. I haven’t updated this site in a while but feel free to check out my new YouTube channel, Brian on Health at


      June 16, 2011 at 15:14

  10. Was it difficult for you to stay a vegitarian in the beginning because I am having difficulty? Did you have any tricks or methods to stay on the right path?


    December 14, 2009 at 19:33

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