Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Notice: share and link to the blog from your page

with 2 comments

If you would like to link to Vegliving to spread the word to others, there’s a bunch of cool new ways to do just that. I’ve created a variety of banners in different sizes and styles to fit your own page. Feel free to include the code in the box underneath the banner you choose on your website or homepage for other viewers to see and check out the blog. Hopefully this will bring more readers to the blog and your help is very much appreciated!


Here are the banners linking to the site by size. Just copy the code in the box and include it in your website or page.


<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>



<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>



<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>


4. (Fun font)

<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>


These banners will link directly to the FeedBurner feed for readers to subscribe.



<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>



<br><a href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; style=”border: none; padding: 5px;” mce_style=”border: none; padding: 5px;”></a><br>


Last but not least, this cool widget scrolls through recent posts and is updated through the FeedBurner feed. Cool way to spread the word about what’s on the blog!

<br><a target=”_blank” href=”; mce_href=””><img src=”; mce_src=”; alt=”Live Well: Veg Living Blog by Brian” style=”border:2px double #9BBB38;” mce_style=”border:2px double #9BBB38;”></a><br>


Hope everyone likes them! Let me know if there are any broken links or mistakes in the code; I’ll be happy to fix them. Also, if you need help with the HTML/Code, I’m happy to help as well.

Thanks and enjoy!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

July 21, 2009 at 10:42

Posted in Notices

Tagged with

2 Responses

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  1. Hi All —
    Sorry I couldn’t get the code into a neat little box. Tried doing a Textarea but the code didn’t agree with the WordPress post for some reason. That’s okay; it should still work.



    July 21, 2009 at 11:02

  2. […] us know what you think; spread the word, drop a comment, e-mail me, follow me on Twitter, subscribe with the blog feed — whatever you […]

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