Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Best autumn antioxidant-powerhouses

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Fall has just arrived and with it comes the joy of many tasty and gorgeous vegetables, packed with nutrition. Nature’s gifts don’t just come looking all pretty and dressed-up with different colors for the looks; the pigments that give autumn vegetables their true depth are what’re called carotenoids (you know, beta-carotene?). According to this article found in this month’s Reader’s Digest (also found online here), a recent Canadian study has shown that those who had diets rich in beta-carotene (a form of Vitamin A) were 26% less likely to get common forms of kidney, ovarian, lung and other forms of cancers.

In this post, I’d like to feature some of the best sources to naturally obtain this nutrient that, even if you’re maybe not concerned primarily on a risk of cancer, are beneficial to one’s health regardless. These vegetables not only contain beta-carotene that helps prevent cancer and vision degeneration; they also pack in great fiber, phytonutrients and other great assets for well-being.

For this year’s autumn harvest, make sure to put these top-winning vegetables on your list.





Sweet Potatoes


Pumpkin (this is a real winner with the seeds particularly high in disease-fighting phytosterols)


Kale & Collards



Reader’s Digest also had a link on their website to some recipes, including this tasty-looking vegetarian vegetable casserole. Not sure if all of the recipes (listed here) are vegetarian, though.

Wishing the best to everyone this fall and remember to include these awesome vegetables in your diet! They’re really great, even just roasted with some olive oil in the oven. Maybe some pictures or recipes including these vegetables soon.

Be well,



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Thank you to this source:

Fall Cancer Fighters – Reader’s Digest –link

Written by esperantist

September 26, 2009 at 21:53

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