Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Archive for the ‘Notices’ Category

Happy International Hug a Vegetarian Day!

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Finally — a holiday just for us! Yay! Today is PETA‘s International Hug a Vegetarian Day and people everywhere are participating to celebrate vegetarians and vegans of all types.

Check out PETA’s page here about the day. There’s even t-shirts and banners and fun things to spread the word. I think it’s really a fun idea for people all around to show their support for the cause and give someone a hug.

I wish everyone a happy September 25th and remember to hug a vegetarian whether you’re veg or not! 😉 There’s always enough love to go around!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

September 25, 2009 at 18:07

Notice: update about the site and welcome for new readers

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Hi all,

It’s Brian (Esperantist by username), your friendly author here at VegLiving.

I wanted to say hi to all the readers and thank everyone for their support with the blog.

In the past three or four months, my how VegLiving has grown! So many new features and posts for your enjoyment. I hope everyone’s been finding the topics interesting and I am open to any suggestions or comments. Check out the posts (on the side bar) by searching directly, or browsing by category or monthly archive.

As an update for the statistics, we’ve got almost 1,500 views and 8 subscribing readers. If you’re enjoying the blog, do feel free to subscribe; it’s a great way to get updates for new content, whether it be by RSS or e-mail.

And as for the new podcast, wow! Tomorrow will be the 9th episode and I’m proud to announce 475 subscribers as of today. It’s so exciting to see its progress. Check it out here online and on iTunes if you haven’t lately. Fun!

Remember not to hesitate to e-mail me, drop a comment, subscribe or contact me @VegLiving on Twitter. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, suggestions or corrections (broken links or pictures), let me know.

Be well,



P.S. – Just went apple picking today; fun! The apples are much more fresh and nutritious. What a great way fruit to include in your vegetarian power breakfast

Written by esperantist

September 19, 2009 at 21:05

Remembering September 11th

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Today’s post is here to remember the brave people who died in the tragedy of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and appropriately mention this date in replacement to the usual posts.

Thank you, and be well,


Written by esperantist

September 11, 2009 at 22:24

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Notice: VegLiving now has its own Podcast!

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As an accompaniment to the blog, VegLiving now has its own podcast! In a quick, one-minute easy-listening show, new and previous topics here at VegLiving will be included on the new radio show, VegLiving Hot Minute.

The show is hosted at Podbean and located in the iTunes store here for easy susbscribing. Though the podcast’s Podbean page is here, I’m going to be posting new episodes here  and on iTunes as well. Our first episode has just been published today and it’s an introduction to the podcast and what it’s all about.

Check it out here and see what you think. Sorry it can’t be embedded into this blog; WordPress allows it only at a cost.

Update August 25, 2009: The podcast will be semi-weekly now, happening twice per week (Sundays & Wednesdays) as once per week is just too short! Please disregard what is said on the podcast.



1. What is a podcast?

A podcast is like a radio show that is published and updated on the Internet. It’s kind of like a voice-blog.

2. Can I subscribe to the podcast? 

Absolutely! Listeners can subscribe to the VegLiving Hot Minute podcast at Podbean here or at iTunes here, just like updates can be received here at VegLiving (read more).

I hope everyone enjoys it and feel free to subscribe, comment and spread the word!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

August 23, 2009 at 10:32

Upcoming: Superfoods of Significance Spotlight Series

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Hope everyone’s been enjoying the blog. Here are a couple of announcements concerning news here at VegLiving.

1. Unfortunately I’ll be away a lot and probably unable to access a computer in the upcoming two weeks. But, not to worry! Posts are still to come. To make up for the time that would be post, I’ve prepared some cool posts that feature “Superfoods” — foods that have exceptional health and benefits and have merit in taking the spotlight each day. Look out for these soon; I hope everyone enjoys them! I’ll be including some of the benefits of these foods and how and where they can be enjoyed. 


2. Be on the look out for the new pages that are being added to the blog at the links below. These are in addition to clarify/elaborate on blog-related activities, e.g., subscribing or “about the author”, rather than just having the small sidebar blurbs or random posts.

About -~- Contact -~- 


Let me know of any suggestions or comments on the new pages and on the upcoming Superfood Spotlight posts!

Enjoy and be well,


Written by esperantist

August 14, 2009 at 21:48

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Notice: New features at VegLiving!

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I’ve finally worked out the kinks and, as you can see, there are many new features at VegLiving that I hope everyone likes!

  • All at the custom domain, “”
  • New, hand-edited-by-me Custom CSS layout
  • Updated About page and upcoming Help Desk and FAQs page
  • Updated categories
  • Organized subscriptions links and upcoming changes in widgets on side
  • New post on omega essential fats (see below)

It’s very pleasing to finally get all of these things organized. Let me know what you all think!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

August 2, 2009 at 10:51

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Notice: VegLiving has its own domain and new e-mail now!

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Tired of typing in the long address, including the “” portion to get to VegLiving? Wish that you could easily remember and recognize the email to contact me about the site? 

With the new spot on the web just for VegLiving, readers can now access the blog by typing in on their address bar the following address just: ““!

I’ve just gotten a new domain for the blog which includes an e-mail address too. When typing in the new address, readers will be forwarded directly to the blog. 

Hopefully this will make it easier to remember, share and recognize the site while having an easier method to contact, too.

If you have any questions or comments, drop a note or e-mail me at the new e-mail address: “brian (@) vegliving (.) info“! Or feel free to use my old e-mail which is still listed on the sidebar.

Hope everyone likes it!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

July 30, 2009 at 17:54

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