Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Archive for the ‘Photoblogs’ Category

Photoblog 3: Scrumptious Salads and then some

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Welcome to the third in the series of photoblogs here at VegLiving. In these posts, I post some pictures of food that I’ve taken over the past couple weeks to share with any readers out there looking for some inspiration and/or culinary eye candy. Instead of the commonly found recipe posts in blogs all over the Internet (which VegLiving does do some), these will just be here for enjoyment in looking and getting ideas for making creative and healthy vegetarian food in the kitchen.

As always, please do not copy these pictures, taken all by me on my Samsung SL820. Let me know what you think by dropping a comment or an email or a tweet.

P.S. — Like the new format? Tried it today. It was late and I was fooling around with photos and figured it out. Hope it works. Let me know.


See what you think and comment.

Love to hear from anyone!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

October 20, 2009 at 21:40

Photoblog 2: Delightful Dishes

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Just recently VegLiving had its first (what I like to call) photoblog, with a collection of pictures of some scrumptious dishes I’d made that month, located here. I liked the way that it turned out and I really hope it inspired others to be creative in their cooking and maybe document and blog their culinary masterpieces, too.

So, I’ve made a new little category of posts here at VegLiving for these photoblogs. This post is the second one which includes some dishes I’ve been documenting over the past couple weeks. Enjoy, and let me know if you’d like any recipes, information or have any comments.

As always, all photos are © Brian Greco 2009 using a lovely Samsung SL820 12.1 MP Camera. Do not copy or re-upload without credit. I will hunt you down :P .


A tasty little vegetarian afterschool snack with a salad, some edamame and a Trader Joes Veggie Hummus Wrap.

Dish 1: A tasty little vegetarian afterschool snack with a salad, some edamame and a Trader Joe's Veggie Hummus Wrap.

Simple perfection. What more could want for a snack? Whole sprouted wheat bread with extra virgin olive oil

Dish 2: Simple perfection. What more could want for a snack? Whole sprouted wheat bread with extra virgin olive oil.

Now this ones interesting. I was looking up raw food desserts (inspired by Ani Phyo) and I concocted these somehow. A mixture of many many many ingredients, including a lot of butters, nuts, dried fruit and cocoa. Very tasty, actually.

Dish 3: Now this one's interesting. I was looking up raw food desserts (inspired by Ani Phyo) and I concocted these somehow. A mixture of many many many ingredients, including a lot of butters, nuts, dried fruit and cocoa. Very tasty, actually.

Some Indian food tofu mix leftover thingy I made (lucky I take these photos, Id forget), with a simple salad and bread. yummy.

Dish 4: Some Indian food tofu mix leftover thingy I made (lucky I take these photos, I'd forget), with a simple salad and bread. yummy.

One of my favorites. This scrumptious salad features the usuals with fresh vegetables. A nice couscous mixture bean corn thing I made out of nowhere to accompany. See, I dont really use recipes... made this one up on the spot.

Dish 5: One of my favorites. This scrumptious salad features the usuals with fresh vegetables. A nice couscous mixture bean corn thing I made out of nowhere to accompany. See, I don't really use recipes... made this one up on the spot.

How’s my food photography skills? 😉

Made this before swim practice for some energy. Can never go wrong with some fresh bread, olive oil and grapes. Very Roman-inspired.

Dish 6: Made this before swim practice for some energy. Can never go wrong with some fresh bread, olive oil and grapes. Very Roman-inspired.

This one looks weird, but tasted pretty good. Was bored and wanted something quick, so I tried polenta (the non-refrigerated kind) with some beans and things. Polenta is an Italian corn paste-like substance that is very versatile in cooking. Tasty.

Dish 7: This one looks weird, but tasted pretty good. Was bored and wanted something quick, so I tried polenta (the non-refrigerated kind) with some beans and things. Polenta is an Italian corn paste-like substance that is very versatile in cooking. Tasty.

This one is one of my favorites Ive done. Ah, simple perfection! I love salads, if you havent noticed. Eat one every day. Salad post coming soon... but anyway, made this this afternoon and it is truly the perfect, healthy, vegetarian snack. Mmm.

Dish 8: This one is one of my favorites I've done. Ah, simple perfection! I love salads, if you haven't noticed. Eat one every day. Salad post coming soon... but anyway, made this this afternoon and it is truly the perfect, healthy, vegetarian snack. Mmm.

So, that’s that. Yummy, I hope. As you can see I really like salads.

Anyway, sorry that I can’t link within the captions — it kinda bothers me. But I will be updating these soon with links to other posts about some of the foods and recipe inspirations mentioned in this photoblog.

I truly hope everyone is enjoying the blog and if you haven’t already, subscribe for email updates (with new content delivered to you) and spread the word!

Be well,



Email me or tweet me with any questions or corrections.

Grr, sorry to anyone who sent to my VegLiving email which I have decided can’t be fixed. Please resend to my personal address.

Written by esperantist

October 2, 2009 at 21:58

Photoblog: Tasty “vegicurean” dishes to inspire

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The best part about looking through cookbooks is surely seeing the beautiful photos of the professionally-made and flawless dishes. So, as a fun photoblog, today’s post will include some of the photos that I’ve been taking of various concoctions made in Brian’s very unofficial kitchen. Keeping that in mind, I hope to inspire other possibly uninspired vegetarians (regular people — not being pressured by the professional culinary world) to take pride in what they eat and be creative in their cooking.

These aren’t recipe suggestions — I know you all can get tons of those all over the web and in books; rather, they are just here to hopefully encourage and give ideas to the bored veg*n. (actually, all these dishes are vegan). Sorry if the page takes long to load; the files are fairly large.

All photos are © Brian Greco 2009 using a lovely Samsung SL820 12.1 MP Camera. Do not copy or re-upload without credit. I will hunt you down :P.

warning: you may become hungry while viewing these.
A little, spur-of-the moment flatbread with home-grown tomatoes and basil on whole wheat bread

Dish 1: A little, spur-of-the moment flatbread with home-grown tomatoes and basil on whole wheat bread

Gemelli pasta with olive oil and home-grown tomatoes and basil

Dish 2: Gemelli pasta with olive oil and home-grown tomatoes and basil

A bean salad with vegetables and leftover rice/grain mix with whole wheat toast

Dish 3: A bean salad with vegetables and leftover rice/grain mix with whole wheat toast

A classic, scrumptious salad with beans, carrots and home-grown cucumbers and tomatoes (you can tell we have a garden)

Dish 4: A classic, scrumptious salad with beans, carrots and home-grown cucumbers and tomatoes (you can tell we have a garden)

A darling Brianmade salad (I eat them. Every. Day.) with a side of boiled edamame and bread

Dish 5: A darling Brianmade salad (I eat them. Every. Day.) with a side of boiled edamame and bread

Another lovely salad with my. favorite. grain blend. ever. from Trader Joes -- Harvest Grain Blend

Dish 6: Another lovely salad with, ooh and this one has bean sprouts. Ate this today for lunch. With my. favorite. grain blend. ever. from Trader Joe's, called the Harvest Grain Blend

What more could one want?

Dish 7: What more could one want? Simple salad with beans, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, greens and oil & vinegar. Olive oil specifically is an awesome dressing with healthy fats and assistance in the absorption of the veggies' vitamins and minderals. Make sure to watch out for evil dressings.

Cheers and enjoy. …Insert “hopefully this list will encourage…” schpiele (sp?) here. But really, I do hope this gives you: (a) some cool ideas (b) an appetite for healthy food, and (c) an idea of what the heck I eat every day.

Be well,


P.S. – Don’t copy any of my pictures, kthxbai.

Written by esperantist

September 20, 2009 at 18:22