Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

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Happy new year! Things up ahead…

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Hello all,

It’s been a while — nice to see everyone! Sorry about the little hiatus there.

Anyway, the new year’s coming, the new decade, and a new VegLiving!

What a 2009 — VegLiving only began in June. Wow!

VegLiving will now be “on life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegan”! Yep — I’m going vegan! Very exciting for me. It’s my New Year’s Resolution and I’ll definitely be keeping this one.

The podcast as well will have some new stuff and I’ll be writing a ton of new stuff for the blog too.

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Written by esperantist

December 31, 2009 at 23:06

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♪ Cast 22: Awesome Nut Butters

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Edit 11/30: Ah! I just realized that this podcast never posted! Here it is, this was supposed to be Cast 22. Sorry about going from 21 to 23 and then back to 22. Anyway, enjoy!


Peanut butter and then some! Check out these six awesome nut butter varieties in our twenty-second cast for the VegLiving Hot Minute podcast (on iTunes) that are a great addition to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, with healthy fats and other nutrients. Tasty, too! Enjoy.

Check out the two accompanying posts here at the blog: the first article mentioned is here, featuring all types of nut butters, and the specific spotlight on soy nut butter is here.

Take a listen at iTunes or online (no downloads or subscriptions or logins required — free, too!).

Feel free to subscribe by email here to get new content delivered right to your inbox at no cost. Just enter your email and go. Oh, and always, feel free to email me or send me a tweet at my Twitter.

Be well,


Written by esperantist

November 29, 2009 at 22:06

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