Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Posts Tagged ‘salads

Photoblog 3: Scrumptious Salads and then some

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Welcome to the third in the series of photoblogs here at VegLiving. In these posts, I post some pictures of food that I’ve taken over the past couple weeks to share with any readers out there looking for some inspiration and/or culinary eye candy. Instead of the commonly found recipe posts in blogs all over the Internet (which VegLiving does do some), these will just be here for enjoyment in looking and getting ideas for making creative and healthy vegetarian food in the kitchen.

As always, please do not copy these pictures, taken all by me on my Samsung SL820. Let me know what you think by dropping a comment or an email or a tweet.

P.S. — Like the new format? Tried it today. It was late and I was fooling around with photos and figured it out. Hope it works. Let me know.


See what you think and comment.

Love to hear from anyone!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

October 20, 2009 at 21:40