Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Posts Tagged ‘smell

The funky smelling superfruit… Video special: Durians

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A delicacy to some and a disgusting dish to others, the durian is, whether it’s a favorite or not, truly a superfood in the world of fresh fruit. Nature has packaged so many phytonutrients into this… pungent… fruit that resembles, well, I guess you could say it resembles a pineapple, if it had to be compared to something.

Anyway, to get to the point, the durian is an amazing immune/DNA-cell damage-preventing and cholesterol-minimizing superfood that, despite its strong odor when prepared to eat, is truly a worthwhile addition to one’s diet.

In fact, in countries like Japan, one durian can cost as much as $80. To learn more about this bewildering fruit, this post will feature a video by National Geographic on YouTube that I stumbled on today. I like how this video humorously explains the position of the durian in Malaysian Borneo and how some love it and some, like managers of hotels in Malaysia, truly hate because of the smell that will turn away many paying customers who would be looking for a room.

Check out the video below and drop us a comment with what you think.

Be well,




Learn more about the durian at the links below:

Nutritional Benefits of the Durian –link

Health Benefits of Durian –link

Durian – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia –link

Written by esperantist

October 24, 2009 at 22:38