Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Posts Tagged ‘travel

“I want to travel… but how will I know what vegetarian options are available?”… Spotlight:

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Like many others, traveling is something I enjoy and it’s something that I want to be able to enjoy without having worries about what vegetarian food will be available where I go. Between just getting by and surviving on-the-go and going for the all-inclusive vegetarian travel plan, there’s real life — and we need to know what to expect. Who knows, maybe there will be tons of vegetarian restaurants and supermarkets. And if not, we’ll just have to get by on granola bars and Nalgene water bottles. But either way, it’s best to have a plan in mind.

And that’s where comes in. I’ve featured many great sites and organizations, like the International Vegetarian Union, and others. This website is really amazing. Of the many I’ve seen across the web, I have found no better resource for the most updated and friendly, easily-laid out information about vegetarian situations by city. I won’t say much more but I’ll give you the link and you can check it out for yourself. Here’s the traveling page and the homepage here, where there’s links to tons of information.

Let me know what you think and I hope you find the site helpful. Feel free to subscribe to the blog if you like, and don’t forget to check out VegLiving’s Twitter account here and podcast at iTunes here!

Enjoy and be well,



P.S. – The vegetarian IQ test here was from HappyCow too. Enjoy!

Written by esperantist

October 13, 2009 at 22:13

All-vegetarian travel

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I really love to explore new places and travel with friends… but I rarely can because they’re usually nothing for me to eat!

Ever thought something similar to that? I’m sure many of us have; I know I have. Wouldn’t it be great to go on a vacation that was all-vegetarian for a treat? Not to say that a normal vacation isn’t good too, but sometimes it would just be nice to not have to worry about bringing soymilk cartons and cereal and fruit and things, and to just have all-vegetarian or all-vegan meals. 

 Now you can! (Haha, I sound like a commercial.) I’ve hunted down a really cool directory of all-vegetarian travel tours that includes categories for travel like camping, trekking, retreats/spas, skiing, sailing and more. Or, how about llama trekking or holistic yoga resorts? Check it out at

And what’s more, the site has a list of veg-friendly but “omnivorous” travel tours — ones that are appropriate for your meat-eating friends but also have vegetarian options available. Check out also the bed & breakfast list, information, books, dining and even some really-cool “dietary cards” that offer phrases like “I don’t eat any shellfish, meat, poultry, fish. Or meat. Or shellfish. Or fish. Did I say fish?” Haha, just kidding. But you can find some helpful translations of common phrases (like that one… and also for consumers with other health conditions) that are in the language of your travel destination here at SelectWisely.

Besides, I found a site that has vegan hiking boots, suntan lotion, luggage, books and other resources at here. What more could you need? 😉

Hopefully if you’re interested in a new and fun type of travel, it would be worthwhile to check out the cool vegetarian or vegan vacations (vegvacations…) here and see what you like. If anyone out there has done veg travel before, it would be so cool to hear from you. I’ve never gone on one but I would love to.

 But, even if all-veg travel just doesn’t work out; don’t fret! There are so many places out there that offer vegetarian or vegan options for food and if not, it never hurts to ask in advance. Check out the vegetarian on-the-go survival guide and vegetarian food on the airplane… you might need ’em.

Feel free to comment, subscribe, e-mail me, or check out the new podcast at iTunes.

Be well,



Here are the sites if you didn’t catch them: – The Vegetarian Holidays Directory –link- – Vegetarian Travel Store –link

Written by esperantist

August 25, 2009 at 17:09

Spotlight: VegNews

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Need somewhere for all things veg-related (besides here, of course ;)) Look no further. VegNews is both an online resource and an amazing magazine that’s got news, recipes, fun stuff, interesting articles, eco-related information and more all in one place. 

VegNews’s topics are organized into: News, Food, Planet, Travel and Buzz. What more could one want?

Check out them out for a really reliable and enjoyable source for the low-down on the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle. I’ve also found some cool products and interesting ideas in their magazine, which can be subscribed to tree-free online or also ordered through mail. And what’s even more, this magazine always has great spotlights on up-and-coming vegetarian stores, products, sites, people, etc. Cool.

Let me know what you think and drop a comment. Also, check out the new podcast here on iTunes!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

August 24, 2009 at 22:04