Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

♪ Cast 12: Green Living & Recycling Receipts

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Welcome to VegLiving Hot Minute’s 12th cast! Hope everyone’s been enjoying the show.

Today’s cast features another great way to stay living Green and incorporate one of the three “R”s into your life — recycling. Too often do people forget about those little receipts at the bottom of shopping bags & grocery carts. Even though it may seem small, the wasted paper adds up.

Check out this cast to learn more about what you can do to reduce this waste and even creatively utilize the receipts to help your community. Listen online (no donwloads) at iTunes here.

Send me an email or a tweet if you like. Again, anyone who had previously sent to my VegLiving address, please resend any email here to my personal address. Grr, it’s still down. And if you’re enjoying the cast, feel free to subscribe by email and get new episodes delivered right to you, using this link. No spam, easy to set up, and a cool way to get new content.

Thank you, and be well,

Written by esperantist

September 30, 2009 at 20:50

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