Live Well

Veg Living by Brian: On life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian

Posts Tagged ‘kashi

♪ Cast 14: A World of Granola Bars

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Welcome to the fourteenth cast of VegLiving’s podcast, “VegLiving Hot Minute.” Check out more here about the semi-weekly (Sundays and Wednesdays) show.

Granola bars are one of things we probably just could not live without. At least for me. They’re almost a food group in themselves. Anyway… this podcast episode features five great kinds of granola bars that I’ve found to be excellent choices in both the nutrition and taste field (two very important things for choosing great vegetarian food).

Click to listen at iTunes or online.

If you enjoyed the show, feel free to subscribe by email or at iTunes, or tweet or email me. Thanks for all the support and be sure to tell your friends about the show!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

October 7, 2009 at 20:56

Granola bars to live on

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I don’t know what I would do without granola bars. For any snack, breakfast, lunch or meal… while traveling, at school, touring the city, or just at home… before, during and after exercise …they’ve always been there. And I’m sure many other vegetarians, vegans, non-veg’s will all find that granola bars have always been there for them as a healthy, tasty, convenient, easy-to-find, non-perishable treat that can, if chosen right, pack in great nutrition.

I’m sure you all have your favorites but in this post I want to share some tasty and trusty choices in the granola bar field that will be a beneficial addition to your nutritious diet. Always remember to go for fiber, protein, whole grains and good fats, and to avoid too much sugar or bad fats and carbs.


1. Kashi TLC granola bars are without a doubt number one. Longtime readers of this blog will know that I have a religious obsession with Kashi products. What a lovely selection with fiber, whole grains, omega-3‘s and much else. Tasty, too.

2. Läräbars are my recent love. Raw, vegan, soy and gluten free, fiber, protein, good fat. And usually only made with like three ingredients: dates and nuts most of the time. Tasty. Fun. What more could you want?

3. Nature’s Path, another favorite company, makes some tasty granola bars, especially the Pumpkin Flax Plus ones. Probably my second most-loved brand for lots of great products, along with Kashi.

4. Kind bars are a creative one. Great for healthy fats and things. Usually made with nuts and seeds and fruit, and support good organizations.

5. Clif and Luna bars I have known about for awhile but have recently very much began to like. They are great for the busy person as they come in great flavors with great nutrition. One of the most widely available I’ve seen. And please, people. Luna bars aren’t just for women. Men need Folic Acid and things too. C’mon.


So, those are my top 5 for today. Maybe some more soon. Check ’em out; I know you’ll love ’em. They’re the perfect snack and meal accompaniment and if you haven’t already looked into buying granola bars, I definitely encourage it as part of a vegetarian diet. Oh, and fruit leathers are yummy too. Two of my favorite stores to get these at: Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.

Be well,


Written by esperantist

October 1, 2009 at 21:51

♪ Cast 11: Decadent and Nutritious Cookie Choices

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Welcome to the eleventh cast of VegLiving’s very own podcast radio show.

This episode is for all you out there who have been looking for that tasty cookie that’s easy to find and won’t leave a gross, bloated feeling afterward. Look no further, this podcast episode features three brands of cookies that I’ve found to be enjoyable without making me feel guilty when I’m finished. Grab a couple and a cup of soymilk — and enjoy!

This show accompanies the post at VegLiving entitled “Sweet treets without the guilt… choices for healthy cookies” located here. Check it out for more info.

Click to listen online at the podcast’s site here or at iTunes and feel free to subscribe by RSS or email if you like the podcast.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below or send me an email here or a tweet here @VegLiving.

Be well,

Written by esperantist

September 27, 2009 at 19:23

♪ Cast 7: Kashi Company Spotlight

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Welcome to this Sunday’s episode of the VegLiving Hot Minute Podcast, on life for the healthy, eco-conscious veg*n that accompanies topics here at VegLiving.

Today’s show features Kashi, a brand that I featured here some time ago, that is a perfect accompaniment to any vegetarian diet. So many great-tasting and healthy foods, it’s sure to please. Especially with its increasingly convenient and reasonable availability.

Check out the new podcast episode at iTunes here or online here and be sure to subscribe, or get new episodes delivered by email, if you like. Drop me an e-mail or tweet with what you think.

I encourage everyone to try out these great products and leave a comment on the post or here at the blog. Thanks for all the support and the over 350 subscribers we now have!

Be well,


Written by esperantist

September 13, 2009 at 09:02

Sweet treats without the guilt… choices for healthy cookies

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Once in a while, a healthy diet still can include a decadent cookie or sweet. But, it’s often thought to be impossible to find something that’s actually tasty and that doesn’t leave a lingering guilty, bloated feeling afterward. Look no further! Today’s post features great-tasting cookies that can be found at the supermarket (as opposed to homemade) and are a healthier choice when searching for a bit of indulgence. Personal favorites varieties are pictured.


1. Vegans, vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike will be delighted to discover the Enjoy Life brand cookie. A wholesome product from a lovely company that produces tasty, allergen-free and vegan snacks and also support organizations that help people with special dietary needs. Feel confident buying this cookies, in flavors like Snickerdoodle, Lively Lemon, Gingerbread, “Oatmeal” and more. Check out a cool video here from Food Network’s Unwrapped about this company that has allowed people with dietary preferences to, well…enjoy life.

Pros: vegan; all-natural; contain NO wheat/gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, fish, shellfish, casein, potato, sesame or sulfites; allergen-tested; offer many flavors; available in supermarkets around the country; taste great!

Possible Cons: may be more priced higher than other cookies; are not as widely available as others.


2. You all know I’m a fan of Kashi, and this product has not failed to please. These TLC Brand Cookies are an excellent, scrumptious snack made of Kashi’s nutritious whole grains. Enjoy varieties like Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Trail Mix and Oatmeal Raisin Flax. Check them out at Kashi’s site here.

Pros: all-natural; full of whole grains; no additives or preservatives; widely available; good source of fiber; taste great!

Possible Cons: not vegan (contain eggs [and milk]); only get eight in a box (but they are fairly large).


3. Our last-but-not-least feature today is Immaculate Baking‘s selection of cookies. Offered in flavors like Pumpkin Ginger, Leapin’ Lemon and Chocobillys, these all-natural cookies taste great and are a healthier option as well. These, too, can be found at many supermarkets. 

Pros: all-natural with majority of organic ingredients; no trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, artificial ingredients or preservatives; get many in a box; taste great!

Possible Cons: not vegan (contain eggs); many not be as widely available.


Try some out and let me know what you think! Hopefully these healthier cookie options can be enjoyed without the guilt that some other cookies and sweets leave and the effect on the morning’s workout and so, the waistline. Enjoy!

Have any additions or thoughts? Drop us a comment; it’d be great to hear from any readers! Share and spread the word.

Be well,



Don’t forget to check out the cool links to the sites for these cookies in the post.

Written by esperantist

August 10, 2009 at 16:14

Spotlight: Kashi

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Brand Spotlight: “Kashi™: Seven Whole Grains on a Mission™”

Today’s spotlight is on the company Kashi, producer of many nutritious, great-tasting snacks and meals that suit the vegetarian lifestyle very well. A personal favorite, I have found Kashi’s products to be a staple in my diet and am sure that many vegetarians would find (if not already) that this company is a reliable and indispensable source of healthy and tasty food.

To take a closer look at Kashi, VegLiving’s Spotlight will focus on three of the following each: positives, drawbacks, and notable products. For future company Spotlights, a format similar to this will be used.

Note: These Spotlights are focused on high-quality companies and the drawbacks are listed to inform readers; still keep in mind, however, that the company being described deserves to be addressed with merit.


I. Positives

1. Kashi’s product line consists mostly of vegetarian options that are full of the always-included nutritious whole grains as well as healthy omega fats and a significant fiber and protein source.

2. Considering the exclusive status of many “health-food” brands, Kashi products can be commonly found (I’ve seen them in gas stations, convenience stores, even snack bars) and are available at a relatively fair price.

3. Their large range of healthy products, from cereals to frozen foods, tastes great! Your body will thank you.


II. Drawbacks

1. Kashi’s products are not in total all-vegetarian; some denoted may include chicken or other animal products.

2. Though only all-natural ingredients are used, Kashi does not offer (m?)any certified-organic products.

3. …um…there might be a small level of addiction to their foods 😉 ~


III. Notable Products

1. Kashi’s GoLean product line includes a variety of hot and cold cereals, snack bars, waffles and protein shakes. These excellent foods have been designed to help keep energized and provide a easy, on-the-go snack that satisfies with great taste and great nutrition. I heartily recommend the cereals “GoLean” and “GoLean Crunch” as part of breakfast or snack (see post here). Additionally, the snack bars and great to accompany lunch or to bring along for a bite.

2. The Heart-to-Heart line, though smaller, also includes some wonderful hot and cold cereals and waffles. What is notable about Heart-to-Heart is that the products all specifically include the positive nutrients and exclude the negative ingredients to support a healthy heart and therefore a healthy body. Favorite here is “Heart-to-Heart” cold cereal (it’s evident that I’m a cereal fan). Never tried the waffles but they look great!

3. For those who like a quick meal or snack that can be prepared with ease, the Kashi line of frozen foods is perfect. The great taste and nutrition of Kashi’s products with the ease of preparation that many need for a busy, on-the-go vegetarian lifestyle.


Kashi’s products are the perfect addition to any vegetarian’s meals and snacks and hopefully readers will find this a great resource to look into for great-tasting, healthy foods! Enjoy.

Any comments, questions, thoughts? Comment; it’s great to hear from others!

Be well,



Thank you to this source:

Kashi Products Pages –link


-Written while enjoying a bowl of Kashi GoLean and Silk Vanilla Soymilk ;)-

Written by esperantist

July 18, 2009 at 13:59